Technical Support

The cube is an open source autopilot system

Most questions and how to install the cube are found on the following websites:

ArduPilot enables the creation and use of trusted, autonomous, unmanned vehicle systems for the peaceful benefit of all. ArduPilot provides a comprehensive suite of tools suitable for almost any vehicle and application. As an open source project, it is constantly evolving based on rapid feedback from a large community of users. The Development Team works with the community and commercial partners to add functionality to ArduPilot that benefits everyone. Although ArduPilot does not manufacture any hardware, ArduPilot firmware works on a wide variety of different hardware to control unmanned vehicles of all types. Coupled with ground control software, unmanned vehicles running ArduPilot can have advanced functionality including real-time communication with operators. ArduPilot has a huge online community dedicated to helping users with questions, problems, and solutions

Cubepilot is an Hex/Proficnc undertaking to provide Hardware and Embedded Software Ecosystem for ever evolving Civilian Unmanned Systems Industry. Hex/Proficnc Team understands the diversity of problems that can be solved using Unmanned Systems. And that, having ability to tailor the system for the application makes it possible to get the best out of this cutting edge technology. With Open Source and Community as the soul, Reliability and Validity as the character, Hex/Proficnc has been continually bringing premium hardware to the market. Cubepilot Ecosystem currently consists of Cube Autopilot range serving as the core with variety of Accessories and Carrier Boards developed with massive support from the Community and Industry.

PX4 is the Professional Autopilot. Developed by world-class developers from industry and academia, and supported by an active world wide community, it powers all kinds of vehicles from racing and cargo drones through to ground vehicles and submersibles.

Contact us for technical questions, system integrations and development.