Ordering & Shipping

Discover everything you need to know about ordering and shipping with Aeroboticshop. Learn the steps for ordering online or requesting quotes for large B2B orders. Get detailed information about our shipping methods, costs, and estimated delivery times. For details on returns and handling damaged goods, please visit our Returns & Warranty page. If you have any questions, our team is always here to help.


How to place an order

  1. Visit Aeroboticshop.
  2. Go to the menu and select “Store.” Choose either “Store” to view all products or use the dropdown menu to select a specific product category.
  3. Review your selections by clicking the cart icon.
  4. Click “Proceed to checkout.”
  5. Enter your shipping information.
  6. Confirm your order and complete the payment process.

For assistance, contact support@aeroboticshop.com or use the contact form on our website.

Ordering by E-mail

If you have specific requirements for an order, you can place it via e-mail. Please email info@aeroboticshop.com or use the contact form on our website. Include the products and quantities you wish to order. You can also request a quote for B2B medium to large orders. For more details, visit the B2B Sales page.

Discount codes

  1. Proceed to checkout with your selected items.
  2. Enter your discount code in the “Coupon code” field on top of the checkout page.
  3. Click “Apply” to update your order total


Shipping methods

  • DHL Express (national and international)
  • PostNL (national and international)


Shipping costs

  • PostNL: flat rate of €10
  • DHL Express: the rate is calculated during checkout

Shipping times

We aim to ship your order within 2 business days. Shipping times vary by carrier:

  • PostNL (via local carrier): up to 7 days (international)
  • DHL Express: 1-3 business days (international)
  • National orders: delivery within 24 hours

Changing Shipping Method: To change your shipping method after placing an order, contact us at support@aeroboticshop.com or use the contact form on our website. Include your order number.

Tracking orders

After shipping, you will receive an email with a tracking link. If you don’t receive it, contact support@aeroboticshop.com with your order number.

Damaged orders

If your order arrives damaged, contact info@aeroboticshop.com immediately with your order number and a description of the damage. Include photos if possible. Visit our Warranty page for more information.

International delivery

We deliver internationally using DHL Express and PostNL (via a local carrier).